Omics Technologies Inc. is a state-of-the-art Proteomics and Genomics Service provider. Our headquarter is centrally located at Maryland USA, within short distance to critical national research facilities in the United States such as NIH, FDA, NCI, and several prestigious academic institutions internationally famous for their biological research, such as HHMI, Johns Hopkins University, and Rockefeller University. Here, we are the only Proteomics and Genomics services specialized company surrounded by over 500 other biotechnology companies.
We are serving a broad spectrum of government, industrial and academic clients with a commitment to delivering high quality data and personalized customer services. We provide full-line, top-quality, and extremely-cost-effective Proteomics Mass Spectrometry and ultra low amount DNA input Genomics Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) services to meet our customers' research and discovery needs.
We are actively serving hospitals, clinical service providers and pharmaceutical companies to provide Personalized Research Services for their patients, particularly cancer patients, based on each cancer patient's unique personal genomic, proteomic and other personal omic information.
As a startup company, in Omics Technologies, we know our success only relies on your success. We believe Nothing Is More Important Than Your Success. We are ready to provide you the highest level services at the lowest possible cost and your immediate success and long term relationship with us are our best rewards!
Please check out our services:
Omics Technologies is now serving three major populations of clients:
Scientists and Researchers who are mainly focused on biological and medical research fields, including molecular biology, cell biology, physiology and pathology, etc;
Doctors who are interested in finding reasons to their diseases of interest;
Pharmaceutical Companies that are identifying new drug targets.
To meet your research goals, we are providing you:
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